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Our Impact

The Impactof Fair TradeCertificationToday, Fair Trade Certified™ products originating in more than 50 countries are being sold in the United States and beyond. Those purchases unlock transformative social, environmental, and economic impact for communities that need...

How We Work

How Does Fair Trade WorkFair Trade USA™ takes a systematic approach to defining, measuring, and communicating the impact of our Fair Trade model.It begins with our Theory of Change. It’s the vision for how Fair Trade programs work and catalyze change in the lives of...

Sustainable Development

Fair Trade and the Sustainable Development GoalsWhat is an SDG?The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Fair Trade USA™ standards promote direct and meaningful...


Improving Lives,Protecting thePlanet.Fair Trade USA™ is a pioneering Fair Trade certifier, building an innovative model of responsible business, conscious consumerism, and shared value to eliminate poverty and enable sustainable development for farmers, workers, their...

Privacy Policy

Privacy PolicyYou may also view and download this policy in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Bahasa Indonesia.The Fair Trade USA™ name and reputation were built on a foundation of trust. Therefore, this online privacy policy tells you about the information Fair Trade...

Finding Fair Trade Produce

We love our local farmers market because it makes us feel more connected to the source of our food. In the same way, fair trade is like a global farmers market. You can meet the people behind your produce!