Fair Trade Standards and Requirements

Rigorous Fair Trade standards are the way we help brands meet their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals, and fulfill our mission to deliver benefits to producers, businesses, and consumers. We have different standards to address the various parts of businesses’ supply chains. If you have comments about Fair Trade Certified requirements, standards, or policy, or for a hard copy, email our Standards team. To learn more about our ongoing Fair Trade Certified standards and requirements work including development, revisions, and ISEAL compliance, view our Standards Development and Revision page.

Price & Premiums


The Fair Trade Price and Premium Search tool includes a comprehensive list of Fair Trade Minimum Prices and Premiums for all products we currently certify. The new filter and search functionality will help you find relevant rates for your products and region.

Standards Development & Revisions


We are committed to following best practices that ensure our standards-setting process is transparent, equitable, and provides ample opportunity for stakeholder engagement. Learn more about our standards development and revision procedure and how you can participate.

Standards Library